Pinaki Chaudhuri
Theoretical Physics
2254 3293
pinakic @ imsc . res . in
325 New Building
Research Interests:
- Soft condensed matter
- Disordered systems: supercooled liquids, glasses, jammed materials, gels
- Non-equilibrium phenomena
- PhD, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2006
- MS, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2000
- BSc, Presidency College, Calcutta, 1997
Career History:
- Faculty member, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (2014 --)
- Postdoc, Institute of Theoretical Physics II, Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf (2010 -- 2014)
- Postdoc, LPMCN, Université Claude Bernard. Lyon (2008 -- 2010)
- Postdoc, LCVN, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier (2006 -- 2008)
- Postdoc, JNCASR, Bangalore (2005 -- 2006)
Courses Taught:
- Statistical Mechanics I, 2016, 2017.
- Advanced Condensed Matter, 2019, 2020, 2021.
- Statistical Mechanis II, 2021.
Selected publications:
Elastoplastic Approach Based on Microscopic Insights for the Steady State and Transient Dynamics of Sheared Disordered Solids,
C Liu, S Dutta, P Chaudhuri, K Martens, Physical Review Letters 126 (13), 138005 (2021) -
Extreme active matter at high densities,
R Mandal, PJ Bhuyan, P Chaudhuri, C Dasgupta, M Rao, Nature communications 11 (1), 1-8 (2020) -
Poiseuille flow of soft polycrystals in 2D rough channels,
T Sarkar, P Chaudhuri, A Sain, Physical review letters 124 (15), 158003 (2020) -
Response of glassy liquids to thermal gradients,
V Vaibhav, J Horbach, P Chaudhuri, Physical Review E 101 (2), 022605 (2020) -
Effect of pinning on the yielding transition of amorphous solids,
B.P. Bhowmik, P. Chaudhuri, S. Karmakar, Physical review letters 123 (18), 185501 (2019) -
Glassy swirls of active dumbbells,
R Mandal, PJ Bhuyan, P Chaudhuri, M Rao, C Dasgupta, Physical Review E 96 (4), 042605 (2017) -
Ultra-long-range dynamic correlations in a microscopic model for aging gels,
P Chaudhuri, L Berthier, Physical Review E 95 (6), 060601 (2017) -
Yielding of glass under shear: A directed percolation transition precedes shear-band formation,
GP Shrivastav, P Chaudhuri, J Horbach, Physical Review E 94 (4), 042605 (2016). -
Impact of attractive interactions on the rheology of dense athermal particles,
E Irani, P Chaudhuri, C Heussinger, Physical review letters 112 (18), 188303 (2014). -
Onset of flow in a confined colloidal glass under an imposed shear stress,
P Chaudhuri, J Horbach, Physical Review E 88 (4), 040301 (2013).