AKR centenary program is a mini-conference during October 5-7, 2023 organized by and to be held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. In this 3 day long program we will discuss the works of Professor Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri. We will remember the scientist, the teacher, the visionary and the man from the memories of his students and eminent scientists working in the areas of gravitation and related subjects. In the first 2 days we will have seminars at the technical level followed by discussions. October 7 is dedicated for students' outreach.
We will be able to provide about 30 outstation accommodations including M.Sc., PhD students and Postdocs. Please register at the link provided below. Note that we will not be able to provide travel supports of any kind, but we will cover local hospitality.
Please use this link to register
Registration link
Manjari Bagchi (email: manjari [at] imsc.res.in)
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra (email: dhiraj [at] imsc.res.in)
Arnab Pal (email: arnabpal [at] imsc.res.in)
V. Ravindran (email: ravindra [at] imsc.res.in)
Ramanujan Auditorium at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Taramani, Chennai