Shankha Banerjee
Theoretical Physics
2254 3324
shankhab @ imsc . res . in
NB 324
Research Interests:
- Physics at the Large Hadron Collider and at future colliders
- Precision physics studies within Effective Field Theories (EFTs)
- Higher order Electroweak corrections to the Standard Model of particle physics (SM), EFTs and physics beyond the SM scenarios
- Physics of the Dark matter
- Signatures involving long-lived particles
- Machine Learning applications of particle physics analyses
- Ph.D. from Harish-Chandra Research Instiute, Allahabad (2010-2015)
- M.Sc. in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (2008-2010)
- B.Sc. with Honours in Physics from Jadavpur University (2005-2008)
Career History:
- Reader F, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (2023 - )
- Post-doctoral Fellow at CERN, Switzerland (2020-2023)
- Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, United Kingdom (2017-2020)
- Post-doctoral Fellow at Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique, France (2015-2017)
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Selected publications:
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